






2001.2-2003.12  中国矿业大学(北京)博士

2003.8-2003.10  英国卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)访问学者

2006.9-2007.9  英国爱丁堡大学(the University of Edinburgh )博士后

2008.5-2008.6  日本琦玉环境科学国际中心合作研究

2009.9-10  日本琦玉大学和琦玉环境科学国际中心合作研究


1. Senlin Lu, Rodger Duffin, Ken Donaldson, et al. Efficacy of short-term in vitro assay for predicting the potential of a panel of metal oxide nanoparticles to cause lung inflammation.Environmental Health Perspectives, 2009,117,2,241-247

2. Lu Senlin, Wang Qingyue, Wu Minghong, Sakamato Kazuhiko, Wang Xiaoju, Shin-ichi Yonemochi, Ken Donaldson, Sheng Guoying Fu Jiamo Synergic bioreactivity induced by airborne fine/ultrafine particulate matter and ambient allergenic pollen in urban atmosphere. Science in China D, 2009(under review).

3. Senlin Lu, Minghong Wu, P. Daily, Zhenkun Yao, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. The relationship between physicochemical characterization and potential toxicity of fine Particulate matter (PM2.5) in Shanghai Atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment,2008,42, 7205-7214.

4. Lu Senlin, Chen Xiaohui, Wu Minghong, et al. 2008. Chemical Elements and their Source Apportionment of Fine Particulates (PM2.5) in Shanghai Atmosphere.Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2008. ICBBE 2008, 3758-3761(SCI).

5. Huiru Li, Jialiang Feng, Senlin Lu, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu, Pingai Peng, Ren Man.The PCDD/F and PBDD/F pollution in the ambient atmosphere of Shanghai, China. Chemosphere, 2008, 70, 4, 576-583.(SCI)

6. Fushun Wang, Congqiang Liu, Minghong Wu, Yanxiu Yu, Fengwei Wu, Senlin Lu, Zhongqing Wei, Gang Xu. Stable Isotopes in Sedimentary Organic Matter from Lake Dianchi and their Indication of Eutrophication History. Water Air Soil Pollution, 2008, DOI 10.1007/s11270-008-9868-8 (SCI)

7. Senlin Lu, Qixia Luan, Zheng Jiao, Minghong Wu, Zhen Li, Longyi Shao, Fushun Wang. Mineralogy of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) in the atmosphere of Beijing, China. Water, Air and Soil pollution,2007,186, 129-137 .(SCI)

8. Lu Senlin, Shao Longyi, Wu Minghong, Jiao Zheng, Chen Xiaohui. Chemical Elements and their Source Apportionment of PM10 in Beijing Urban Atmosphere. Environment Monitoring Assessment,2007,133, 79-85 (SCI)

9. Shao LY, Li WJ, Yang SS, Shi ZB, Lu SL.. Mineralogical characteristics of airborne particles collected in Beijing during a severe Asian dust storm period in spring 2002. Science in China Series D- Earth Sciences, 2007, 50, 6, 953-959. (SCI)

10. Zhen Li, Zheng Jiao, Minghong Wu, Senlin Lu. Preparation and characterization of spinel-type nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 by radiation method. Diffusion and Defect Data Pt B: Solid State Phenomena, 2007,V.121-123, 327-330. (SCI)

11. Lu Senlin, SHAO Longyi, WU Minghong, JIAO Zheng. Mineralogical characterization of airborne individual particulates in Beijing PM10. Journal of Environmental Science, 2006, 18 (1), 90-95 . (SCI)

12. Lu Senlin, SHAO Longyi, T. Jones, L. Merolla, R. J. Richard. Correlation between Plasimd DNA damage induced by PM10 and trace metals in inhalabe particulate matters in Beijing air. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2006, 49 (12), 1323—1331 . (SCI)

13. Senlin Lu, Longyi Shao, Minghong Wu, Zheng Jiao, Jones T.P. A mineralogical study of the inhalable particulate matter (PM10) in Beijing urban air. Chinese Journal of Geochemister, 2006, 25 (Suppl.)

14. Shi Zongbo, Shao Longyi, Lu Senlin,, Jones T.P. Mineralogical Characteristic of PM10 During Heavy Dust storm in Beijing in 2002. Journal of Geophysical Research,2005, Vol.110,No.D1 (SCI)

15. Shao longyi ,Zhao Houyin, Jones T.P., Lu Senlin Merolla L. Oxidative damages to DNA by indoor PM10: Their relationships with trace element compositions. Progress in Natural Science, 2005, v 15, 8, p 694-699 (SCI)






参与的科研项目包括:日本JSPS项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目(40830744)、英国the Colt Foundation基金项目、英国MRC基金项目。

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